Sitecore 8.0 Performance Counters


Hello Folks, Sorry for being away for a while. As was busy with Go-Live dates, and it’s festival time here in India! [Yes, I’m from India]. So, now fully charged to share new things with you!

I’m sure you must be knowing that Sitecore 8.0 Technical Preview has been released! What? You don’t know? No worries, there are lot of posts already shared by Sitecore fans on the web. Just do a quick search! Your this fan has also wrote a post on Sitecore 8.0 Basics  As you might have noticed in that post, I mentioned that Sitecore 8.0 got new set of performance counters. And will share with you. And this post is result of that promise!

2014-10-24 20_43_43-Performance MonitorIf you are not aware about Performance counters, then I strongly recommend that you must read about it. I heard a line in one of the session about performance counter and I liked it the most

“Performance Counters are Google of your local machine/server/application”

And trust me, So, true it is! — Go and ask any one who spent their whole day and night troubleshooting about performance issues, and they will surely say. Performance counters are their first/best friend to consult first! [You may like Sitecore Troubleshooting Guide]

Sitecore already got lot of performance counters in their earlier version, to understand more about behavior of any functionality. Which has been already shared here : All about Sitecore performance counters — A real hero

Sitecore champs, added new Performance counters [New weapons in your armory!] in Sitecore 8.0 and here’s the list of it!


Sitecore.Kernel.Counters : Sitecore caching related counters


Performance object Counter Counter Description
Sitecore.Caching Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all caches.
Sitecore.Caching Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all caches.
Sitecore.Caching Data Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a data cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching Data Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all data caches.
Sitecore.Caching Data Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all data caches.
Sitecore.Caching Html Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a html cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching Html Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all html caches.
Sitecore.Caching Html Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all html caches.
Sitecore.Caching Path Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a path cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching Path Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all path caches.
Sitecore.Caching Path Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all path caches.
Sitecore.Caching Registry Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a registry cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching Registry Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all registry caches.
Sitecore.Caching Registry Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all registry caches.
Sitecore.Caching View State Cache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a view state cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching View State Cache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all view state caches.
Sitecore.Caching View State Cache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all view state caches.
Sitecore.Caching XslCache Clearings / sec Total number of times that an instance of a xsl cache has been cleared.
Sitecore.Caching XslCache Hits / sec Total number of cache hits for all xsl caches.
Sitecore.Caching XslCache Misses / sec Total number of cache hits for all xsl caches.
Sitecore.Data Data | Client Data Reads / sec The total number of client data values that have been read.
Sitecore.Data Data | Client Data Writes / sec The total number of client data values that have been written.
Sitecore.Data Data | Items Accessed / sec The total number of items that have been accessed.
Sitecore.Data Data | Physical Reads / sec The total number of read operations that have been performed against the physical storage medium (typically a RDBMS).
Sitecore.Data Data | Physical Writes / sec The total number of write operations that have been performed against the physical storage medium (typically a RDBMS).
Sitecore.Data Globalization | Texts Translated / sec The total number of texts that have been translated.
Sitecore.Data Globalization | Translate Failed / sec The total number of times a translate operation has failed (ie. the text was not in the dictionary).
Sitecore.Data Links | Fields Examined / sec The total number of fields that have been scanned for links.
Sitecore.Data Links | Data Read / sec The total number of read operations that have been performed against the link database.
Sitecore.Data Links | Data Updated / sec The total number of update operations that have been performed against the link database.
Sitecore.Data Packager | Packages Built / sec The total number of packages that have been built.
Sitecore.Data Packager | Packages Installed / sec The total number of packages tahe have been installed.
Sitecore.Data Shadows | Data Read / sec The total number of read operations that have been performed against the shadows database.
Sitecore.Data Shadows | Data Updated / sec The total number of update operations that have been performed against the shadows database.
Sitecore.Data SqlServerStream | Open Streams / sec The current number of open SQL Server streams.
Sitecore.Data StreamSharer | Open Streams / sec The current number of open streams being handled by stream sharers.
Sitecore.Data Workflow | Actions Executed / sec The total number of workflow actions that have been executed.
Sitecore.Data Workflow | Security Resolved / sec The total number of times the workflow engine has resolved an access request.
Sitecore.Data Workflow | State Changes / sec The total number of times that a workflow has changed state.
Sitecore.Jobs Jobs | Jobs Executed / sec The total number of jobs that have been executed.
Sitecore.Jobs Pipelines | Pipelines Aborted / sec The total number of times a pipeline was aborted.
Sitecore.Jobs Pipelines | Pipelines Executed / sec The total number of times a pipeline was executed.
Sitecore.Jobs Pipelines | Processors Executed / sec The total number of processors that have been executed.
Sitecore.Jobs Publishing | Items Queued / sec The total number of items that have been queued for publishing.
Sitecore.Jobs Publishing | Replacements / sec The total number of publishing replacement operations that have been performed.
Sitecore.Jobs Tasks | File Cleanups / sec The total number of times the CleanupAgent task has been run.
Sitecore.Jobs Tasks | Html Cache Clearings / sec The total number of times the HtmlCacheClearAgent task has been run.
Sitecore.Jobs Tasks | Publishings / sec The total number of times the PublishAgent task has been run.
Sitecore.Jobs Tasks | Reminders Sent / sec The total number of reminders that have been sent.
Sitecore.Jobs Tasks | Tasks Executed / sec The total number of tasks that has been run.
Sitecore.Presentation Context | Site Changed / sec The total number of times the active site has been changed by the API.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Controls Rendered / sec The total number of Sitecore controls rendered.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Controls Rendered From Cache / sec The total number of Sitecore controls rendered from a cache.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Pages Generated / sec The total number of web pages generated by Sitecore.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Renderings Rendered / sec The total number of Renderings rendered.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Sublayouts Rendered / sec The total number of Sublayouts rendered.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | XmlControls Compiled / sec The total number of XmlControls compiled.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Xsl Transforms Rendered / sec The total number of XslTransforms rendered.
Sitecore.Presentation Rendering | Xaml Controls Compiled / sec The total number of XamlControls compiled.
Sitecore.Security Access Denied / sec The total number of access requests that have been denied.
Sitecore.Security Access Granted / sec The total number of access requests that have been granted.
Sitecore.Security Access Resolved / sec The total number of access requests that have been resolved.
Sitecore.Security Modify Requests / sec The total number of access requests where the desired access would allow the caller to modify data (ie. update or delete an item).
Sitecore.Security Programmatic Disabling / sec The total number of times that security has been programmatically disabled (using SecurityDisabler).
Sitecore.Security Programmatic Enabling / sec The total number of times that security has been programmatically enabled (using SecurityEnabler).
Sitecore.Security Programmatic User Switch / sec The total number of times that the current user has been switched programmatically (using SecuritySwitcher).
Sitecore.Security Read Requests / sec The total number of access requests where the desired access would allow the caller to read data (ie. reading an item).
Sitecore.Security Virtual Users Built / sec The total number of virutal users that have been built.
Sitecore.System Events | Events Raised / sec The total number of events that have been raised by the API.
Sitecore.System Exceptions | Exceptions Thrown / sec The total number of exceptions thrown by the API.
Sitecore.System IO | File Watcher Events / sec The total number of file watcher events that have been handled by the API.
Sitecore.System Logging | Errors Logged / sec The number of error messages that have been sent to the log.
Sitecore.System Logging | Fatals Logged / sec The number of fatal messages that have been sent to the log.
Sitecore.System Logging | Informations Logged / sec The number of information messages that have been sent to the log.
Sitecore.System Logging | Warnings Logged / sec The number of warning messages that have been sent to the log.
Sitecore.System Logging | Audits Logged / sec The number of audit messages that have been sent to the log.
Sitecore.System Reflection | Methods Invoked / sec The total number of methods that have been invoked through reflection.
Sitecore.System Reflection | Objects Created / sec The total number of objects that have been created using reflection.
Sitecore.System Reflection | Objects Not Created / sec The total number of objects where the creation through reflection failed (due to unknown types or constructors).
Sitecore.System Reflection | Types Resolved / sec The total number of types that have been resolved using reflection.
Sitecore.System Reflection | Types Not Resolved / sec The total number of types where the resolving through reflection failed (due to unknown types or other causes).
Sitecore.System Threading | Background Threads Started / sec The total number of background threads that have been started by the API.
Sitecore.System Threading | Thread Data Modified / sec The total number of times data in a thread local storage (TLS) slot have been modified.
Sitecore.System Threading | Thread Data Read / sec The total number of times data in a thread local storage (TLS) slot have been read.
Sitecore.System Xml | Item Navigators Created / sec The total number of ItemNavigator instances that have been created.
Sitecore.System Xml | Packets Created / sec The total number of Packet instances that have been created.

Sitecore.Analytics.Counters : Sitecore Analytics related counters

Performance object Counter Counter Description
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Total Requests / sec The total number of page requests per second that are handled by the system. This includes both tracked and ignored requests.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Requests Tracked / sec The number of page requests per second that are tracked by the system. This is part of Collection | Total Requests.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Requests Ignored / sec The number of page requests per second that are ignored by the system. This is part of Collection | Total Requests.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Malicious Robot Requests / sec The number of requests per second that are made by a known malicious robot.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Robot Requests / sec The number of requests per second that are made by a robot.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Human Requests / sec The number of requests per second that are made by a human.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Total Visits / sec The total number of visits per second that are registered by the system.
Sitecore.Analytics Collection | Unique Visitors / sec The number of unique visitors per second.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Rows Saved – Total / sec The total number of rows saved per second. This includes rows saved by bulk copy, batch update, and row-by-row operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Rows Saved – Bulk Copy / sec The number of rows per second that are updated by bulk operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Rows Saved – Batch / sec The number rows per second that are updated by batch insert operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Rows Saved – Row By Row / sec The number rows per second that are updated by row-by-row operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Rows Failed to Save / sec The number of rows that failed to save to the database per second.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Commit Queue Length The number of rows in the commit queue.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Commit Queue Flush Length The number of rows in the commit queue just before it is flushed.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Tracker Flushes – Total / sec The total number of background writes to the database (TrackerChanges.Flush()) per second. This includes writes that are triggered explicitly, by a timeout or by commit queue overflow.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Tracker Flushes – Explicit / sec The number of background writes per second that are triggered explicitly by an API call.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Tracker Flushes – Inline / sec The number of background writes per second that are implicitly triggered at the end of a web request.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Tracker Flushes – Timeout / sec The number of background writes per second that are triggered by a timeout.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Tracker Flushes – Capacity Overflow The number of background writes per second that are triggered by the commit queue reaching the configured size.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Average Tracker Flush Time The average time in milliseconds that it takes to execute a request to write data to the database.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Last Tracker Flush Time The time in milliseconds that it took to execute the last request to write data to the database.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – Locations Reads / sec The number of Location dictionary read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – Locations Cache Hits / sec The number of Location dictionary cache hits.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – Locations Database Reads / sec The number of Location dictionary database read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – Locations Writes / sec The number of Location dictionary write operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – ReferringSites Reads / sec The number of ReferringSites dictionary read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – ReferringSites Cache Hits / sec The number of ReferringSites dictionary cache hits.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – ReferringSites Database Reads / sec The number of ReferringSites dictionary database read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – ReferringSites Writes / sec The number of ReferringSites dictionary write operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – UserAgents Reads / sec The number of UserAgent dictionary read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – UserAgents Cache Hits / sec The number of UserAgent dictionary cache hits.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – UserAgents Database Reads / sec The number of UserAgent dictionary database read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – UserAgents Writes / sec The number of UserAgent dictionary write operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – GeoIps Reads / sec The number of GeoIp dictionary read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – GeoIps Cache Hits / sec The number of GeoIp dictionary cache hits.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – GeoIps Database Reads / sec The number of GeoIp dictionary database read operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Dictionaries – GeoIps Writes / sec The number of GeoIp dictionary write operations.
Sitecore.Analytics Data | Aggregation – Visits saved to reporting database / sec The number of visits saved to the reporting database per second.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Requests – Total / sec The total number of GeoIP requests per second. This includes requests originating from pages and requests from a background job.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Requests – Pages / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that originate from pages.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Requests – Background / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that originate from a background job.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Memory Lookups / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that are resolved from local memory.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Database Lookups / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that are resolved from the Analytics database.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Provider Lookups / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that are resolved using the external GeoIP provider.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Failed Lookups / sec The number of GeoIP per second requests that are not resolved.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Unknown IPs / sec The number of GeoIP requests per second that are resolved as “Unknown IP”.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Average Resolve Time The average time in milliseconds it takes to resolve a GeoIP request.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Cache Size The number of entries in the GeoIP cache.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Visits Updated / sec The number of visits per second where the GeoIP information is updated by the background job.
Sitecore.Analytics GeoIP | Average Calls Before IP Resolved The average number of requests the GeoIP subsystem receives while the IP information is being resolved.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Live Interactions Processed / sec The number of interactions processed when updating the primary reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | History Interactions Processed / sec The number of aggregations processed when rebuilding the secondary reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Total Interactions Processed / sec The total number of interactions processed by the aggregation subsystem.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Live Aggregation Errors / sec The number of interactions which could not be aggregated due to an exception, when updating the primary reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | History Aggregation Errors / sec The number of interactions which could not be aggregated due to an exception, when updating the secondary reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Total Aggregation Errors / sec The total number of interactions which could not be aggregated due to an exception.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Aggregation Pipeline Time (ms) Average time it takes to aggregate a single interaction (including loading all required infromation, but not including time to write to reporting databases.)
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Write Time (ms) Average time it takes to save aggregated data to the reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Write Time – Primary (ms) Average time in milliseconds it takes to submit an aggregated interaction to the primary reporting database
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Write Time – Secondary, Live (ms) Average time in milliseconds it takes to submit an aggregated interaction to the secondary reporting database, when updating the reporting databases with incoming interactions.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Write Time – Secondary, History (ms) Average time in milliseconds it takes to submit an aggregated interaction to the secondary reporting database, when writing historical interactions during database rebuild process.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Active Interaction Aggregators The number concurrent threads running the aggregation pipeline.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Check Out Time – Live (ms) Average time it takes to obtain a work item from a processing pool while processing live visits.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Check In Time – Live (ms) Average time it takes to mark a work item as completed in a processing pool while processing live visits.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Check Out Time – History (ms) Average time it takes to obtain a work item from a range scheduler while rebuilding the reporting database.
Sitecore.Analytics Aggregation | Average Check In Time – History (ms) Average time it takes to mark a work item as completed in a range scheduler while rebuilding the reporting database.

Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb : Sitecore Analytics MongoDB related counters

Performance object Counter Counter Description
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Reads / sec The number of read operations from MongoDB.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Writes / sec The number of write operations from MongoDB.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Documents fetched / sec The number of documents fetched from MongoDB.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Add (Visits scheduled for aggregation) / sec The number of visits scheduled for aggregation per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Check out calls / sec The number of scheduled checked out calls for aggregation processing per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Check out (Visits checked out) / sec The number of scheduled visits checked out for aggregation processing per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Check in (Visits checked in) / sec The number of scheduled visits checked in after the aggregator has processed it per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Pool cleanup calls / sec The number of aggregation pool cleanup calls per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Visits cleaned up / sec The number of visits cleaned up from the aggregation precessiong pool per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Pool Recovery calls / sec The number of aggregation pool recovery calls per second.
Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDb Data | Aggregation – Visits recovered / sec The number of visits recovered from the aggregation pool per second.

Sitecore.Automation : Sitecore Engagement Automation Suite counters

Performance object Counter Counter Description
Sitecore.Automation State Transitions / sec The number of transitions of automation state records between automation states per second. Every transition designates a successful evaluation of the conditions assigned to the automation state.
Sitecore.Automation State Evaluations – Total / sec The total number of automation condition that are evaluated per second.
Sitecore.Automation State Evaluations – Page Events / sec The number of automation condition evaluations per second that are triggered by page events.
Sitecore.Automation State Evaluations – Timeouts / sec The number of automation condition evaluations per second that are triggered by a timeout.
Sitecore.Automation Emails Sent / sec The number of emails per second that are sent as a result of evaluating an engagement plan.
Sitecore.Automation Average Evaluation Time The average time in milliseconds that it takes to evaluate conditions and execute actions for a single automation state.
Sitecore.Automation Average State Load Time – Contact The average time in milliseconds that it takes to load a Contact’s automation states from the database.
Sitecore.Automation Monitor – Average Time to Load Data – ms The average time in milliseconds that it takes to count the number of contacts in a plan.
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Automation Transitions Aggregated / sec The number or automation state transitions aggregated.
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Contact States Aggregated / sec The number of contacts processed while rebuilding the reporting database.
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Transition Aggregation Errors / sec The number of errors (exceptions) occured during aggregation of state transitions.
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Contact State Aggregation Errors / sec The number of errors (exceptions) occured during aggregation of contact states while rebuilding the reporting database
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Average Automation Aggregation Pipeline Time / sec The average time in milliseconds that it takes to run the automation aggregation pipeline
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Average Transition Store In Reporting / sec The average time in milliseconds that it takes to store live transitions in the reporting storages
Sitecore.Automation Aggregation | Average Contact States Store In Reporting / sec The average time in milliseconds that it takes to store history contact states in the reporting storages
Sitecore.Automation Data | Average Delete Aggregated Transitions Time / sec A cleanup agent periodically removes transitions that have been previously aggregated
Sitecore.Automation Data | Average Merge Transition Time/ sec The average time in milliseconds that it takes to merge a transition

If any particular counter helped you?! Please share!

Happy Sitecoring! 🙂

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  1. Pingback: Sitecore Performance counters in AI – Sitecore.Blog()

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